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Robotics Improves Education at School

How Robotics Improves Education at School

Historically, we’ve come a long way since the introduction of “robotics” as a term coined by Isaac Asimov, in addition to his Laws of Robotics. Artificial intelligence is present in every facet of our daily lives, from AI-driven personal assistants such as Siri to global search engine algorithms like Google. The field in which we are still wary of introducing

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artificial intelligence ethics

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics

Artificial Intelligence Ethics Intelligent machine systems are already making our daily lives easier and more personalized. From social media to Google Maps to watching Netflix, so many applications of intelligent software are already a part of the background of our lives. As these systems get smarter and computing capacity grows, they’ll only become more powerful. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the

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Artificial Intelligence Education: Current State And Future

While there have been numerous technological inventions that most people would regard as highly impressive, few can captivate people’s attention like AI. AI technology has come a long way since its inception. Programs are now able to dynamically learn and interact with people in a way never before seen. This has allowed AI tech to propagate in just about every

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Robotics in Domestic Field

What is the Future of Robotics in the Domestic Field?

The speculation about whether domestic robots will eventually relieve us from household drudgery is slowly becoming a reality. As more developers unleash robotic inventions performing numerous household tasks, we might finally rest from the tasking household chores altogether. Annual tournaments like Robocup@Home are evidence of just how much robots have been equipped to perform domestic tasks. While most tasks seem

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Autel robotics

Autel Robotics – A Complete Guide on Autel Robotics

Autel Robotics is a US-based company, and its mission is to inspire creativity through the medium of photography and videography. They are the team of professional engineers passionate about technology. They are highly dedicated to inventing groundbreaking aerial photography technology, which is used to capture high-quality videos and images with the help of their beautiful, styled, easy to carry flying

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How Do You Measure Student Success in Robotics?

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How AI-Enhanced Medical Robots Are Redefining Precision in the OR

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futuristic healthcare cloud

The Technological Revolution of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Accurate documentation of diagnoses, treatment histories, and personal health information are all crucial in delivering quality care and ensuring patient safety. Doctors and other medical staff need robust and secure technology to manage patient records effectively in today’s fast-paced healthcare

Workplace Safety With AI

Enhancing Workplace Safety With AI-Based Material-Handling Automation

Material-handling activities can be dangerous because they require repetitive tasks that may cause strain or injuries. Additionally, employees must learn specifics such as proper lifting techniques and ergonomic posture principles to increase their chances of staying safe on the job.
